The first Salon took place on 5 June 2024 in Lucerne. This special gathering was organised by the Regenerative Tourism Initiative together with the IRM “Initiative für Regenerative Marktwirtschaft” from Germany.

With more than 30 Agents of Change, we picked up the ball in Lucerne and made the potential of regenerative tourism visible. The Regenerative Tourism Initiative (RTI) is the missing hub for people of action who want to help heal an overburdened planet through regenerative tourism. The atmosphere was vibrant, fostering connections among agents of change, activists, and entrepreneurs.

The RTI is a catalyst for those who want to realign the important, historically grown tourism and make it regenerative for all. We are convinced that the best ideas come from cooperation and open dialogue.

Interested in hosting the next Regenerative Salon? Let’s get started right away!


Insights from the last salon: